“Fuchsia Fanciers, Australia”

Formerly "The In Ground Fuchsia Group"

·         2020 Fuchsia sale ONLY, NO open garden, click    Open Fuchsia Garden for more details.

 Join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/394140627308376/

Pages updated Feb 2020.
If you spot any errors or faulty links, please let me know.

Barbara's fuchsia home page

Since I started the informal group called “The In Ground Fuchsia Group”  (later changed to Fuchsia Fanciers Australia as many of our members grow fuchsias in pots or baskets) it has attracted enthusiasts and beginners interested in exchanging information and ideas, and visiting gardens where fuchsias are grown. 

There are no fees to join this group.

Many people have contacted me after seeing my garden and/or website to ask questions or give information, and I thought it would be great to share some of the things we are doing. Meetings are held in Blue Mountains and Northern suburbs of Sydney mostly at present. 

My website and email will link group members in other places and put them in touch with any members near to them. It would be great if small groups all over the country could have meetings and let others know their fuchsia growing methods and ideas.

We also now have a Facebook group at  http://www.facebook.com/groups/394140627308376/  it has many members from all over the world and problems are often solved in a very short time.

 New members welcome.

§  Meetings

§  Sample irregular newsletter 

Meetings will include talks on fuchsia related subjects, discussion and question times, workshops and a friendly sharing of information and events. Meetings at this stage are on the second Saturday of the month, with about 8-9 meetings a year.  For more information contact,


Barbara Cooper

4 Allen St 
Lawson 2783
Ph 47591170,  0405500957
Email barbaracooper4@bigpond.com


Click here to Fill in or print off membership form. If you only join the Facebook group you won’t receive the newsletter as I won’t have your email address.

Save the file to your computer, complete, and then email it to me. Or print and post it.


Links to rest of this site

·         Barbara's fuchsia home page

o    Constructing a Fuchsia Garden

o    Growing standard and pillar Fuchsias

o    Growing Fuchsias in the ground PDF print-friendly version

o    Growing Bush Fuchsias

o    Pruning

o    Fuchsia Links page

o    Propagating 

o    Where to buy Fuchsias in Australia

o    Open Fuchsia Garden