The FJ Holden movie, a slice of Bankstown life in the 1970s, Australian 'New Wave' cinema, Sigrid Thornton, Paul Couzens, Eva Dickinson, Carl Stever, Gary Waddell, Karlene Rogerson, Colin Yarwood, Graham Rouse. Welcome to >
Photos and images supplied by fans.
Many thanks to the fans who supplied the photos on this page. Some of these probably came from Aussie magazines of the time; no infringements of copyrights are intended.
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Most photos are self-explanatory. The final one shows a scene at 'brickpits'.

Page updated 15th June, 2010.


Thanks to Paul Kelly for these
photos and the colour one below.

The camera setup; can anyone identify the guys?

(LEFT) "Deadlegs (GARY)and his girlfriend Cheryl (KARLENE) are the leaders of the 'gang'. Deadlegs owns the hotted up FJ Holden station-wagon and Kevin tries to ape the way that Deadlegs is able to handle himself".
(ABOVE RIGHT) A drunken Kevin! (PAUL, KARLENE and GARY)

(RIGHT) "Sydney's Western Suburbs' teenagers as portrayed by Karlene Rogerson and Gary Waddell in the controversial FJ Holden, released by GUO Film Distributors."


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